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Free Proxy Servers

Proxy options

Domain to IP
Proxy type
Web support

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There is a limit of 1000 proxies to be displayed via web due to technical limitations, but you can download the complete list of proxies in ip:port format by clicking on the icon
Also notice that you can toggle the selected proxies by clicking on the icon


Info about proxy servers

A Historical Perspective

The history of proxy servers is closely intertwined with the development of computer networking and the internet. Proxy servers have evolved significantly since their inception in the early days of networked computing. Here's a brief overview of their history:

  1. Early Networking: In the early days of computer networking, when multiple computers were connected to each other, there was a need for a way to manage and control the flow of data between them. This led to the development of the concept of proxy servers.

  2. ARPANET Era: The precursor to the modern internet, ARPANET, laid some of the foundational concepts for proxy servers. ARPANET, developed by the United States Department of Defense in the late 1960s and early 1970s, used proxy servers to cache frequently accessed files and reduce bandwidth usage.

  3. Gopher Protocol: In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Gopher protocol was developed as a way to organize and retrieve documents over the internet. Proxy servers played a role in this protocol by caching documents and improving access speed for users.

  4. World Wide Web: With the invention of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee in the early 1990s, the need for proxy servers grew rapidly. As the web gained popularity, proxy servers were used to improve performance, enforce security policies, and provide anonymity for users.

  5. Netscape Proxy Server: In 1995, Netscape Communications Corporation introduced the Netscape Proxy Server, which provided caching and security features for web traffic. This was one of the first commercially available proxy server solutions.

  6. Squid Proxy: Squid, an open-source proxy server software, was released in the late 1990s and quickly gained popularity due to its reliability and performance. Squid is still widely used today as a caching proxy server.

  7. Corporate Networks: Proxy servers became common in corporate networks as a way to control and monitor internet access for employees. Proxy servers allowed network administrators to enforce policies, filter content, and improve performance by caching frequently accessed resources.

  8. Content Filtering and Security: In addition to caching and performance improvements, proxy servers began to be used for content filtering and security purposes. They could block access to malicious websites, filter out unwanted content, and provide a layer of defense against cyber threats.

  9. Reverse Proxy Servers: Reverse proxy servers, which sit in front of web servers and handle incoming client requests, became popular for load balancing, SSL encryption offloading, and hiding the internal structure of a network from external users.

  10. Today: Proxy servers continue to play a crucial role in computer networks and the internet. They are used for a variety of purposes, including improving performance, enhancing security, enabling access to geo-restricted content, and ensuring anonymity for users.

Overall, the history of proxy servers reflects the evolution of computer networking and the internet, as they have adapted to meet the changing needs of users and network administrators over time.

The Present Landscape

In today's digital era, proxy servers have become ubiquitous across a myriad of industries and applications. From large enterprises to individual users, the demand for proxy server solutions continues to grow exponentially. One of the defining characteristics of modern proxy servers is their versatility, as they offer a wide array of functionalities tailored to meet the diverse needs of users.

Usage Characteristics of Proxy Servers

  1. Anonymity and Privacy: Proxy servers allow users to mask their IP addresses and anonymize their internet activities, thereby safeguarding their privacy and anonymity online.

  2. Content Filtering and Access Control: Proxy servers enable organizations to implement granular content filtering policies and enforce access controls, thereby mitigating security risks and ensuring regulatory compliance.

  3. Load Balancing and Traffic Optimization: Proxy servers distribute network traffic across multiple servers, balancing the load and optimizing network performance, thereby enhancing scalability and reliability.

  4. SSL Compatibility and Encryption: Proxy servers support SSL/TLS encryption protocols, ensuring secure communication between clients and servers, thereby safeguarding sensitive data from interception and unauthorized access.

  5. DNS Resolution: Proxy servers perform DNS resolution on behalf of clients, translating domain names into IP addresses and facilitating seamless communication between clients and servers, thereby improving network efficiency and performance.

Proxy protocols

Web Proxy, Connect Proxy, SOCKS4 Proxy, and SOCKS5 Proxy are all types of proxy servers, but they differ in their protocols, functionalities, and the way they handle network traffic. Let's explore the differences between them:

  1. Web Proxy:

    • Protocol: Web proxies primarily use the HTTP protocol for communication.
    • Functionality: Web proxies are specifically designed to handle HTTP and HTTPS traffic. They intercept and forward web requests from clients to servers and relay responses back to clients. Web proxies are commonly used for tasks such as caching, content filtering, and anonymizing internet traffic.
    • Characteristics: Web proxies are easy to set up and configure, making them suitable for basic web browsing applications. However, they may not support other protocols or advanced features commonly found in other types of proxies.
  2. Connect Proxy:

    • Protocol: Connect proxies operate at the Transport Layer of the OSI model and typically use the CONNECT method of the HTTP protocol.
    • Functionality: Connect proxies establish a TCP tunnel between the client and the destination server, allowing for the direct transmission of data without protocol conversion or modification. Connect proxies are commonly used for establishing secure connections to remote servers, such as HTTPS websites or secure FTP servers.
    • Characteristics: Connect proxies are transparent to the application layer protocols, making them suitable for applications that require end-to-end encryption and do not support proxy-aware configurations. However, they may have limited support for advanced features such as content filtering and caching.
  3. SOCKS4 Proxy:

    • Protocol: SOCKS4 proxies use the SOCKS4 protocol for communication.
    • Functionality: SOCKS4 proxies support TCP connections and provide basic authentication mechanisms for client authorization. However, they do not support UDP traffic or advanced authentication methods available in later versions of the SOCKS protocol.
    • Characteristics: SOCKS4 proxies are lightweight and efficient, making them suitable for applications that require basic proxy functionality without the need for advanced features. However, their lack of support for UDP traffic and advanced authentication methods may limit their applicability in certain scenarios.
  4. SOCKS5 Proxy:

    • Protocol: SOCKS5 proxies use the SOCKS5 protocol for communication.
    • Functionality: SOCKS5 proxies support both TCP and UDP connections, making them more versatile than SOCKS4 proxies. Additionally, SOCKS5 proxies offer enhanced authentication mechanisms, including username/password authentication and GSS-API authentication, providing greater security and flexibility.
    • Characteristics: SOCKS5 proxies are widely used for various applications, including web browsing, online gaming, and peer-to-peer file sharing. Their support for TCP and UDP traffic, along with advanced authentication methods, makes them suitable for a wide range of use cases.

In summary, the main differences between web proxies, connect proxies, SOCKS4 proxies, and SOCKS5 proxies lie in their protocols, functionalities, and characteristics. Web proxies are specialized for handling HTTP and HTTPS traffic, while connect proxies establish TCP tunnels for secure connections. SOCKS4 proxies offer basic TCP support and authentication, while SOCKS5 proxies provide broader support for both TCP and UDP traffic, along with advanced authentication mechanisms. The choice of proxy type depends on the specific requirements of the application and the desired level of functionality and security.

DNS Resolution

The DNS resolution of a proxy refers to how the proxy server resolves domain names into IP addresses. When a client sends a request to access a website through a proxy server, the proxy server needs to resolve the domain name provided in the request to an IP address to establish a connection to the destination server.

Here's a typical process:

  1. Client sends a request to access a website through the proxy server, specifying the domain name (e.g., www.google.com).

  2. The proxy server receives the request and extracts the domain name.

  3. The proxy server performs DNS resolution to translate the domain name into an IP address. This usually involves querying DNS servers.

  4. Once the proxy server obtains the IP address of the destination server, it establishes a connection on behalf of the client.

  5. All subsequent communication between the client and the destination server goes through the proxy server.

The DNS resolution process within a proxy server is essential for routing client requests to the correct destination servers on the internet. Additionally, some advanced proxy servers may implement caching mechanisms to speed up DNS resolution and improve performance.

Proxy anonimity

Transparent Proxy, Anonymous Proxy, and Elite Proxy are three different types of proxy servers, each offering varying levels of anonymity and functionality. Let's explore the differences between them:

  1. Transparent Proxy:

    • Anonymity Level: Transparent proxies provide the lowest level of anonymity. They do not modify or conceal the client's IP address, making the client's IP address visible to the destination server.
    • Functionality: Transparent proxies intercept and forward client requests without modifying the request headers. They are typically deployed at the network gateway and are used for caching, content filtering, and traffic logging purposes.
    • Characteristics: Transparent proxies are often used in corporate environments and public Wi-Fi networks to monitor and control internet traffic. While they offer benefits such as caching and content filtering, they do not provide any privacy or anonymity for users.
  2. Anonymous Proxy:

    • Anonymity Level: Anonymous proxies provide a moderate level of anonymity. They conceal the client's IP address by substituting it with the proxy server's IP address in the request headers sent to the destination server. However, it may send an HTTP header called "X-Forwarded-For" (since 2014, the IETF has approved a standard header definition for proxy, called "Forwarded"), which contains your real IP address, alerting the web server that you are using a proxy. This header could be detected by some websites or servers, reducing the level of anonymity to some extent.
    • Functionality: Anonymous proxies relay client requests to destination servers while obscuring the client's IP address. They do not add any additional identifying information to the request headers, thereby providing a degree of anonymity for users.
    • Characteristics: Anonymous proxies are commonly used for bypassing geo-restrictions, accessing blocked websites, and preserving user privacy. However, they may still be detectable by advanced network analysis techniques, and their anonymity may not be foolproof.
  3. Elite Proxy (also known as High-Anonymity Proxy):

    • Anonymity Level: Elite proxies provide the highest level of anonymity. They completely conceal the client's IP address and appear indistinguishable from regular internet users to destination servers. When you use an elite proxy, it does not send the "Forwarded" or "X-Forwarded-For" headers, ensuring that your real IP address remains completely hidden from the websites or servers you visit. The web server sees only the IP address of the proxy server, making it difficult for websites to detect that you are using a proxy.
    • Functionality: Elite proxies modify request headers to remove any identifying information, including the client's IP address, making it virtually impossible for destination servers to determine the true origin of the request.
    • Characteristics: Elite proxies offer maximum privacy and anonymity for users, making them ideal for sensitive applications that require absolute confidentiality. They are commonly used for tasks such as online banking, confidential communications, and circumventing censorship.

In summary, the key differences between transparent proxies, anonymous proxies, and elite proxies lie in their levels of anonymity and functionality. Transparent proxies offer the lowest level of anonymity and are primarily used for network management purposes. Anonymous proxies provide moderate anonymity by concealing the client's IP address but may still be detectable by advanced methods. Elite proxies offer the highest level of anonymity by completely hiding the client's IP address, making them suitable for applications that require maximum privacy and security.

Usage of Proxy Servers in Major Platforms

Proxy servers play a crucial role in the operations of major online platforms and services, including Amazon, Bing, Google, Instagram, Reddit, Telegram, and Twitter. Let's delve into how these platforms utilize proxy servers to optimize performance, enhance security, and ensure seamless user experiences:

  1. Amazon: As one of the world's largest e-commerce platforms, Amazon relies on proxy servers for various purposes, including load balancing, content caching, and security. Proxy servers help distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers, ensuring high availability and scalability during peak shopping periods. Additionally, proxy servers cache frequently accessed content, such as product images and descriptions, reducing latency and improving the overall shopping experience for users.
  2. Bing: Microsoft's search engine, Bing, utilizes proxy servers to improve search performance and deliver relevant search results to users. Proxy servers help optimize network traffic, minimize latency, and handle large volumes of search queries efficiently. Moreover, proxy servers enable Bing to mitigate security threats, such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, by filtering malicious traffic and enforcing access controls.
  3. Google: Google, the world's leading search engine, leverages proxy servers extensively across its various services, including search, Gmail, and YouTube. Proxy servers enable Google to optimize network performance, enhance scalability, and improve the reliability of its services. Additionally, proxy servers play a crucial role in protecting user privacy and securing sensitive data, such as email communications and personal information stored in Google accounts.
  4. Instagram: Instagram, a popular social media platform owned by Facebook, utilizes proxy servers for media delivery, content distribution, and user authentication. Proxy servers help optimize the delivery of photos and videos to users' devices, reducing latency and ensuring a seamless browsing experience. Additionally, proxy servers enhance security by filtering malicious traffic, enforcing access controls, and detecting suspicious activities, such as account hijacking attempts.
  5. Reddit: Reddit, a social news aggregation and discussion platform, relies on proxy servers for content caching, user authentication, and moderation purposes. Proxy servers help accelerate content delivery by caching frequently accessed posts and comments, reducing load times for users. Moreover, proxy servers enable Reddit to enforce access controls, detect spam and abusive behavior, and maintain the integrity of its platform.
  6. Telegram: Telegram, a cloud-based instant messaging platform, utilizes proxy servers to enable users to bypass internet censorship and access the service in regions where it is blocked. Proxy servers act as intermediaries between users and Telegram's servers, relaying messages and other data while masking the users' IP addresses. This helps users maintain their privacy and anonymity online while accessing Telegram's services securely.
  7. Twitter: Twitter, a microblogging and social networking platform, leverages proxy servers for real-time data processing, content delivery, and API management. Proxy servers help Twitter handle large volumes of tweets, retweets, and user interactions efficiently, ensuring a seamless user experience. Additionally, proxy servers enable Twitter to enforce rate limits, filter malicious traffic, and protect against cyber attacks, such as DDoS attacks and botnet activity.

Best proxy countries

The "best" proxy country depends on your specific needs and requirements. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a proxy country:

  1. Geographical Location: Choose a proxy server located in a country that is geographically close to your target website's server. Proximity can lead to faster connection speeds and lower latency.

  2. Legal and Regulatory Environment: Consider the legal and regulatory environment of the proxy country. Some countries have stricter laws regarding internet usage, censorship, and data privacy. Choose a country with laws that align with your privacy and security requirements.

  3. Internet Infrastructure: Look for countries with robust internet infrastructure and high-speed connectivity. Countries with advanced internet infrastructure often provide better proxy server performance.

  4. IP Reputation: Check the reputation of IP addresses from the proxy country. Some countries may have a higher prevalence of spam, malware, or other malicious activities, which could affect the reputation of the IP addresses and impact your browsing experience.

  5. Availability and Reliability: Ensure that proxy servers in your chosen country are readily available and reliable. Look for proxy providers with a good track record of uptime as seen in the uptime tag from the proxy list

  6. Number of Servers: Consider the number of proxy servers available in the country. More servers mean better load distribution and reliability.

Some popular countries for proxy server usage include:

  1. United States
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Canada
  4. Germany
  5. Netherlands
  6. Switzerland
  7. Singapore
  8. Japan
  9. Australia

Ultimately, the best proxy country for you will depend on your specific use case, preferences, and priorities. It's essential to research and test different options to find the one that best meets your needs.

Setting up a proxy server

Configuring a proxy server on different operating systems like Windows, Android, iOS, and macOS involves slightly different steps. Here's a general guide for each:


  1. Open Settings:

    • Click on the Start menu and select "Settings" (gear icon).
    • Go to "Network & Internet."
  2. Proxy Settings:

    • Click on "Proxy" on the left sidebar.
    • Under the "Manual proxy setup" section, toggle the switch to enable "Use a proxy server."
    • Enter the IP address and port of your proxy server.
    • Click "Save."


  1. Open Settings:

    • Go to your device's "Settings" app.
  2. Network & Internet:

    • Look for the "Network & Internet" or "Connections" option.
  3. Wi-Fi Settings:

    • Tap on "Wi-Fi" (or the name of the network you're connected to).
  4. Proxy Settings:

    • Long-press on the connected network.
    • Select "Modify network" or "Advanced settings."
    • Scroll down and select "Proxy."
    • Choose "Manual" and enter the proxy details (Proxy hostname and port).
    • Save the settings.


  1. Open Settings:

    • Go to the "Settings" app on your iOS device.
  2. Wi-Fi Settings:

    • Tap on "Wi-Fi."
  3. Proxy Settings:

    • Find the Wi-Fi network you're connected to and tap the (i) icon next to it.
    • Scroll down and tap "Configure Proxy."
    • Select "Manual."
    • Enter the proxy server details (Server, Port).
    • Tap "Save."


  1. Open System Preferences:

    • Click on the Apple icon in the top-left corner and select "System Preferences."
  2. Network Settings:

    • Click on "Network."
  3. Proxy Settings:

    • Select the network interface you're using (Wi-Fi, Ethernet, etc.).
    • Click on the "Advanced" button.
    • Go to the "Proxies" tab.
    • Check the box next to "Web Proxy (HTTP)" or "Secure Web Proxy (HTTPS)."
    • Enter the proxy server details (Server, Port).
    • Click "OK" and then "Apply" to save the settings.

Remember to enter the correct proxy server address, port, and any authentication details if required. Additionally, some organizations might provide specific instructions or software for configuring proxy settings, so it's always a good idea to consult with your network administrator if you're setting up a proxy for work or school.

SSL Usage in Proxy Servers

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or its successor Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption protocols are essential components of modern proxy server infrastructure. SSL/TLS ensures secure communication between clients and proxy servers, as well as between proxy servers and destination servers. This encryption helps protect sensitive data, such as login credentials, personal information, and financial transactions, from interception and unauthorized access by malicious actors.

Proxy servers support SSL/TLS encryption through SSL termination and SSL bridging techniques. SSL termination involves decrypting encrypted traffic at the proxy server before forwarding it to the destination server in cleartext. This allows the proxy server to inspect and filter the traffic for security purposes, such as malware detection and content filtering. SSL bridging, on the other hand, maintains end-to-end encryption between clients and destination servers, with the proxy server acting as a transparent intermediary that relays encrypted traffic without decrypting it.

In summary, proxy servers are integral components of the infrastructure that powers major online platforms and services, including e-commerce websites, search engines, social media platforms, messaging apps, and more. By leveraging proxy servers, these platforms can optimize performance, enhance security, and deliver seamless user experiences to millions of users worldwide. Additionally, SSL/TLS encryption ensures secure communication between clients, proxy servers, and destination servers, protecting sensitive data from interception and unauthorized access.

  1. AI and Machine Learning: Proxy servers will increasingly leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to enhance security, optimize network performance, and personalize user experiences.
  2. Edge Computing: Proxy servers will play a crucial role in edge computing architectures, enabling decentralized data processing, low-latency communication, and real-time analytics at the network edge.
  3. Blockchain Integration: Proxy servers will integrate blockchain technology to enhance transparency, integrity, and accountability in internet communication, thereby mitigating cyber threats and ensuring data privacy.
  4. Quantum-Safe Encryption: Proxy servers will adopt quantum-safe encryption protocols to protect against future advancements in quantum computing, ensuring the long-term security of internet communication.
  5. Zero-Trust Networking: Proxy servers will embrace zero-trust networking principles, requiring continuous authentication and authorization for all network communication, thereby minimizing the risk of insider threats and unauthorized access.